Continuing Education (CE) Courses - Large Vehicle Rescue - Dunnegan FD; Fri., 3/21/25 6 pm - 10 pm and Sat., 3/22/25 8 am - 5pm

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Brief Description
Class Vendor: This class is available for contracted delivery from MUFRTI. Contracted Price: $3000.
Full Description
Class Vendor: This class is available for contracted delivery from MU Fire Rescue Training Institute - MUFRTI. Contracted Price: $3000.

Accidents involving semi-trailers and other large vehicles call for specialized knowledge and skills on the part of emergency responders. This course is designed for emergency response personnel who have technician level training as well as prior experience in vehicle extrication. Large Vehicle Rescue will provide emergency responders with the extensive hands-on and classroom training needed to efficiently operate and use tow trucks, rescue struts, cribbing, and airbag systems that are used to lift and stabilize heavy vehicles during realistic vehicle extrication scenarios.

Course Objectives: Plan for a semi-trailer/large vehicle incident. Establish “scene” safety zones. Establish fire protection. Stabilize a semi-trailer/large vehicle. Isolate potentially harmful energy sources. Determine the vehicle access and egress points, Disentangle victim(s), given an extrication incident. As a member of a team, remove a packaged victim to a designated safe area given a victim transfer device, designated egress route, and personal protective equipment, so that the team effort is coordinated, the designated egress route is used, the victim is removed without compromising victim packaging, undue injury is prevented, and stabilization is maintained. Terminate a semi-trailer/large vehicle incident.

Student Pre-requisites:  Must have successfully completed a Vehicle Rescue: Technician class or a Fire Fighter II class.
Training Dates
03/21/2025 - 03/22/2025
Student must have successfully completed a Vehicle Rescue Technician course or Fire Fighter II course.
Registration Dates
09/22/2024 - 03/24/2025
Available Seats
None Specified
Training Location
Dunnegan Fire Department
3815 South 21st Road
Dunnegan, MO  65640 (Polk County)
Resources Required
Host agency provides the following: Classroom with computer, Wi-Fi access,  data projector access.
2 rigs (Tractors), Trailer, bus, or motor coach, 2 vehicles – with batteries and/or fuel tank removed, Assorted Hand tools, 40-4x4’s 18 inches long, 40-4x4's 18 inches long, 20-2x4's 18 inches long, 10-4x4's 18 inches cut into wedges, Assorted Rescue tools, Rehab supplies, Full list will be available when class is awarded to the host.

Student provides the following: NFPA 1971 compliant firefighting ensemble, including turnout pants, coat, boots, helmet, gloves, and eye protection

Vendor provides the following: none
Reporting Instructions
None Specified

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