Continuing Education (CE) Courses - Rail Safety for Emergency Responders - So. Webster Co FPD; 1/11/2025 8 am - 5 pm

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Brief Description
Class Vendor: This class is available for contracted delivery from MUFRTI. Contracted Price: $1600.
Full Description
Class Vendor: This class is available for contracted delivery from MU Fire Rescue Training Institute - MUFRTI. Contracted Price: $1600.

This workshop is designed as an informational program to expose all emergency service agencies that have the potential to respond to emergencies involving railroad equipment and property. These emergencies involve collisions between trains and cars or pedestrians, as well as rail carrier disasters, such as derailments. This course will provide information on safety issues, how to work with a railroad when the emergency is on their property, familiarization of equipment and paperwork.  Most importantly, this workshop stresses safety for emergency personnel, both as we respond to emergencies on a daily basis crossing railroad tracks in our own districts and mutual aid districts, and the safety of our personnel as we work on or near the tracks and railroad equipment.

Course Objectives:  List the eight components of Company Officer leadership. Explain the key safety behaviors that affect safe tactical operations. Describe the primary size-up factors and determine their impact on strategies and tactics. Analyze the command sequence action planning cycle. Prioritize personal values and describe their relationship to incident management and firefighter safety. List four benefits of effective incident communications and explain the importance of each.  List the six steps identified in the communications model and explain the importance of each step. Apply the communications model to practical fire-ground communications when given a scenario. List the five classifications of buildings and explain the characteristics of each classification.  

Student Pre-requisites: none
Training Dates
01/11/2025 - 01/11/2025
None Specified
Registration Dates
07/15/2024 - 01/14/2025
Available Seats
None Specified
Training Location
Southern Webster County Fire Protection District
216 Market Street
Seymour, MO  65746
Resources Required
Host agency provides the following: Classroom with computer and data projector access.

Student provides the following: none

Vendor provides the following: none
Reporting Instructions
None Specified

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