Continuing Education (CE) Courses - Hybrid Vehicle Firefighting - Osage Beach FPD; 5/19/2025 8 am - 5 pm

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Brief Description
This class is available for contracted delivery from (LETS). Contracted Price: $2700.
Full Description
Class Vendor: This class is available for contracted delivery from Local Emergency Training Specialist (LETS). Contracted Price: $2700.

Vehicle Fires/Accidents result in one of the most frequent responses by fire departments in Missouri. While firefighters may have a general understanding of the basic response to burning hybrid vehicles, this does not hold true with the features in todays high tech automobiles. The proper angle of approach, components used in safety devices, and the materials used to build vehicles are constantly changing. This makes the incident dangerous to unaware responders when involved in an accident scene.

Course Objectives: The student shall identify and describe three categories of Hybrid vehicle fires; The student shall identify and describe the dangers to firefighters of Hybrid vehicle fires; The student shall identify and define the elements of a hybrid vehicle fire suppression strategy; The student shall identify and explain the considerations for each element of hybrid vehicle fire suppression strategies; The student shall explain appropriate strategies and describe tactics for Hybrid vehicle fires.

Student Pre-requisites: Must have successfully completed on of the following courses: Basic Fire Fighter Skills, Introduction to the Fire Service or Firefighter I class. Equivalent programs will be considered with documentation of completion.
Training Dates
05/19/2025 - 05/19/2025
Must have successfully completed on of the following courses: Basic Fire Fighter Skills, Introduction to the Fire Service or Firefighter I certification. Equivalent programs will be considered with documentation of completion.
Registration Dates
11/20/2024 - 05/22/2025
Available Seats
None Specified
Training Location
Osage Beach Fire Protection District
1170 Bluff Drive
Osage Beach, MO  65065 (Camden County)
Resources Required
Host agency provides the following: Pumper/ additional water supply, FF equipment

Student provides the following: Fire Gear / SCBA

Vendor provides the following: Vehicle firefighting simulator, Truck/Trailer with prop, fuel supply equipment, All Hoses, hand tools and lighting equipment, Computer, PP Projector
Consumables provided: Propane to fuel simulator.
Reporting Instructions
None Specified

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