Driver/Operator Aerial (1002-2017) Course - Rolla F&R 07/16/2025 - 07/18/2025 Course (see reporting instructions for details)

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Brief Description
Approved Missouri Division of Fire Safety Driver/Operator Aerial Training Course
Full Description
This course is designed for individuals who have completed Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator: Core and who are preparing to sit for the State of Missouri Aerial Device certification exam. In this class, students will discuss duties and responsibilities of the driver/operator, apparatus maintenance, and aerial device operation and positioning. Participants will operate fire apparatus in various aerial device situations and have an opportunity to complete their certification skill sheets. The requirements for this course are based on the Standard for Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications, NFPA 1002, Chapter 6; 2017 Edition.
Training Dates
07/16/2025 - 07/18/2025
By clicking this box, the student attests that they meet the medical and physical requirements to perform the tasks of the chosen course(s) and that they meet the character trait requirements as established by their sponsoring department, academy, or agency.
Student must have successfully completed an approved Driver/Operator Core Training Course.
18 years old
Registration Dates
01/17/2025 - 07/23/2025
Available Seats
None Specified
Training Location
Rolla Fire Department
400 W. 4th Street
Rolla, MO  65401
Reporting Instructions
July 16,  2025 0900-1700

July 17, 2025 0900-1700

July 18, 2025 0900-1700 State Practical

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