Continuing Education (CE) Courses - Handling LP Gas Emergencies - Cape Girardeau FD; 3/29/2025 8 am - 10 pm

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Brief Description
Class Vendor: This class is available for contracted delivery from MUFRTI. Contracted Price: $4500.
Full Description
Class Vendor: This class is available for contracted delivery from MU Fire Rescue Training Institute - MUFRTI. Contracted Price: $4500.

LP gas is a potential hazard present in most communities and a complete understanding of its hazards is necessary to safely and efficiently handle such an incident. This class will present an overview of LP gas properties and characteristics, as well as provide the opportunity participate in an actual fire attack on an LP tank fire. Topics will include common storage containers in residential and commercial use, and the components of different types of transport vehicles.

Course Objectives: The student will identify equipment and devices used in the handling and storage of LP Gas. The student shall list the personal safety considerations involved with LP Gas emergencies. The student shall list the procedure for handling LP Gas leaks with or without fire.  The student shall identify the considerations for the hazards associated with LP Gas vessels exposed to fire.  The student, given various scenarios, shall list the considerations when deciding to attack, defend or evacuate a scene involving LP Gas.

Student Pre-requisites: Basic Fire Fighter Skills, Introduction to the Fire Service or Firefighter I certification. Equivalent programs will be considered with documentation of completion.
Training Dates
03/29/2025 - 03/29/2025
Must have successfully completed on of the following courses: Basic Fire Fighter Skills, Introduction to the Fire Service or Firefighter I certification. Equivalent programs will be considered with documentation of completion.
Registration Dates
09/30/2024 - 04/01/2025
Available Seats
None Specified
Training Location
Cape Girardeau Fire Department
1 S. Sprigg
Cape Girardeau, MO  63703
Resources Required
Host agency provides the following: 2 Pumpers, Water supply, 1 1/2 or 1 3/4 Hose, 2 1/2 or 3" Hose

Student provides the following: NFPA 1971 compliant firefighting ensemble and NFPA 1981   compliant SCBA with spare cylinder.

Vendor provides the following: LP Prop, supporting equipment"
Reporting Instructions
None Specified

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