Continuing Education (CE) Courses - Tactical Decision Making from the Right Seat - Central Jackson Co FPD; 8:30 am - 12:30 pm

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Brief Description
Class Vendor: This class is available for contracted delivery from MUFRTI. Contracted Price: $2500.
Full Description
Class Vendor: This class is available for contracted delivery from MU Fire Rescue Training Institute - MUFRTI. Contracted Price: $2500.

The officer in the right seat will determine from the onset, the success or not of the incident.  As the first line goes, so goes the call could not be any truer when considering the decisions make initially by the first due officer.  The fate of the call, in many cases, rests on that first due officer and his/her ability to get it right from the beginning. Whether it’s choosing the right line and getting it to the right place, deciding the mode of attack to determining when victims come before fire attack, the quick and accurate decision making of the first due officer is critical.  This class will use actual fire video and audio to provide examples of good decisions and the consequences of the bad ones.  Walking through the initial size up to what we look for on the 360 to establishing pre-determined roles, this class will offer real-world examples and techniques that work to make us more effective and efficient on the fire scene, which keeps our members safe and gives our citizens the best change at survive.

Course Objectives: Be able to describe and provide a consistent and accurate size up. Identify building characteristics and construction. Be able to read smoke and fire conditions. Deploy effective and appropriate actions based on accurate conditions and resources. Be able to understand and operate effectively with resources available.

Student Pre-requisites: none
Training Dates
10/24/2024 - 10/24/2024
None Specified
Registration Dates
04/27/2024 - 10/27/2024
Available Seats
None Specified
Training Location
Central Jackson County Fire Protection District
4715 US-40
Blue Springs, MO  64015
Resources Required
Host agency provides the following: Classroom with computer and data projector access

Student provides the following: none

Vendor provides the following: none
Reporting Instructions
8:30 am - 12:30 pm

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